This podcast is a must listen! Cheryl Walker, Director of Mwana Villages, an organization that works in the Republic of Congo rescuing and caring for the widows, and orphans, shares her powerful testimony with us! From a young single mother living in Quebec in a desperate situation to a mother of 6 and director of an incredible charitable organization, she shares how her passion for God and His people birthed this dream in her heart! Make sure to listen in and stay tuned for an awesome special on our Missional Academy courses!!
*** Missional Academy Promo ***
From March 28 – April 4, 2018. We will be giving our listeners the opportunity to take an online course for “FREE” –
To take advantage of this promo you must do the following:
2. Send an email to, in the subject heading please put “MCP: Missional Academy Promo” –
3. In the body of the email include the name of the course you would like to take
(ie: Discovering and Activating God’s call for your Life)
4. We will send you a code for your selection.